Tuesday, May 31, 2011

SIC Volume 28 Faiz

Motif of the design of the box is, of course, no other than Faiz. The window is shaped like the phi symbol .

So basically, this is what you get when you pop open the box. The figure actually had a lot of twisties (which I know that almost everyone hates those things) and the only things things holding most of the Wolf Orphenoch parts are also...twisties. Also, there are only two sets of extra hands for Faiz (a right and left hand for holding the sword, an open palm, an a hand that I found no other use whatsoever than hold the phone) and a set for the Wolf Orphenoch (just two open palm hands).

*NOTE: Those holes on the second tray actually look like that maybe to support the other parts from the first tray.


The design, as you will always expect from SICs, is asymmetrical on some parts like the chest part where there are panel lines on the left part which you won't find in the right and a few details on the right where the left does not have. Paint job is pretty clean and if I can say so myself, this is one SIC that looks awesome because of metallic painting and diecast parts.
This guy has a pretty hefty amount of diecast parts on its body. For one, the part of the belt where he places his phone is made of diecast. Knees and some of the parts of the lower leg and feet are also made of diecast. It would've sounded really awesome except for the fact that the toe joint (from toe to toe fingers) cannot bend which had been a bummer at some times when I took pictures of this figure. Articulation is pretty good except for the arms which has restricted articulation due to the shoulder pads.


Accessories that are included in this volume is a bit few, although, all of them are pretty important parts from the show. Hell, they even included the Smart Brain suitcase which you can store the little accessories in it (look at pic). The phone is the only one that has no metal parts in it but as for the laser pointer, the knuckle duster and the sword, they are made of diecast metal (except for the hilt of the sword).

And so...for a few poses to show a bit of the articulation.

Exceed Charge...

It would've been cooler if they included that red cone that usually appears when he does the rider kick. lol

*Yes, I know this pic sucks. Just wanted to show the details on the foot. XD*


I know I really should be skipping to the THE FIGURE section but then I just took this pics for the kicks. lol
Tried to do a little by little transformation on it but got lazy halfway though so then only about 4 pics of it taken.


Transforming this figure from Faiz form to Orphenoch form was actually a pain (literally) because the Orphenoch parts have a lot of pointed parts, especially those pointy chogokin parts, that could actually cut someone (so now it is clear that this thing is not for children). Though it really looks good in terms of design, it is pretty much dislikable because it has a terrible weight issue and that some parts doesn't stay fit. I actually don't know where I read this but I quite remember that the reviewer said that this form has difficulty in standing up. It's quite the contrary for my case and I managed to do a few poses with this.

See those silver parts? If you don't know, those are made if diecast. Moreover, those parts are pretty big.


Articulation: 4/5 (normal SIC articulation. Pretty meh but gonna give it a 4).
Design: 4.5/5 (I would've given it a 5 but there's something lacking in this model. Nevertheless, design is a                  win.)
Accessories: 4/5 (Though a bit few, it was actually fun playing with this thing.)
Price: 4/5 (Current prices for this thing is really a pain for the wallet. But if you ask me, it is still worth the money since 1. This is a really rare SIC today and 2. Just look at how awesome the design is. lol)
Verdict: 4.5/5
So then, that's it for my take in SIC Faiz. One last pic.

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