Friday, September 16, 2011

SIC Vol. 57 Kamen Rider W Cyclone Joker review

The box has actually a different design than the past SIC boxes. For this particular SIC volume, there's only one large window unlike the past designs which had one window on front of the box, and windows on the left and right sides. Color accent of box matches the colors of the Cyclone Joker Form.

Though the design is more of show-accurate, there's still the SIC feel to it. Panel lines are actually pretty asymmetrical on some points. Cyclone side has a glossy paint while Joker side has matte finish. Articulation is superb for the first tries but definitely, DEFINITELY fails after posing this a lot because the shoulder joint would actually always drop. Also, the joints for the hands are ball joints and really, it is FUCKIN TERRIBLE. After a few swaps, the hands would then just tend to fall out of the socket which made the pictorial for the Xtreme form hell for me. Also, as usual, eyes are made of clear red plastic with a few details in it.

Oh god...very nasty seamlines on the head.

Though I must say, I actually like the paint jobs on both sides.

Kamen Raida...V3! Oh wait, wrong rider.

Sa, omae wo tsumi no kazoero!

Xtreme Form
The Xtreme form has the same paint applications just like with the Cyclone Joker parts. The only major difference is that the middle part actually looks super shiny. It was really hard to take pics of this thing with flash (hey, forgive me. I have terrible light source so I always must result to using flash.). Articulation is now a bit limited to the arms because of the huge pauldrons (shoulder pads, as other reviewers call it). Nevertheless, no change in articulation on other points besides arms.
Now this is actually the part where all was hell. The Prism Bicker is one heavy piece of plastic and so the arms always droop down. Add to the fact that the hands are actually loose on their sockets, you can expect this thing to always drop the shield with its hand along with it. The Prism Sword is also made of soft plastic.

Articulation: 5/5 (Modern engineering ftw!)
Design: 2.5/5 (Appearance=win. Quality issue=fail. The fact that the joints tend to become so loose easily really takes a lot of points away from this section. Moreover, there is a really nasty seamline on the head. Like wtf Bandai? Did you even bother to check that thing out? And also, this thing has the SMALLEST diecast parts on any SIC figure. The only diecast parts are the bracelets and the anklets.)
Accessories: 4/5 (Really good to be honest. I honestly didn't expect that Bandai could've pulled an SIC W without releasing how many volumes for it unlike the SHF line. Also, it comes with a free stand.)
Price: 4/5 (Well, I'm going to admit. It is priced fair despite the issues I pointed out. Not only do you get the CJ Form but you also get the Xtreme parts. And to mention the free stand. lol.)
Verdict: 3/5 (This volume is just pretty average for my tastes because 1. WTF with the very small amount of diecast? 2. WTF with the joints? 3. WTF with the nasty seamline?).

Pretty much, I can't say for certain if this thing is actually worth getting. But if you ask me, I would answer that I regret preordering this thing and not ordering something better like SIC Kabuto.

Now, time to count your sins... pervert!

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